Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:

Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:


dinsdag, 00:48

That Hit the Spot: Juno's injury has left her unable to brawl in the tournament, so another member of the Misfits needs to step up and take her place. (S1 Ep33)



The Series: Aim For The Eight!: It's time for Ash's battle against Raihan-the winner gets to compete in the Masters Eight Tournament! (S25 Ep19)

Tv gids

Kanaal Tijd Titel
POP dinsdag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP dinsdag, 16:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP dinsdag, 19:01 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP woensdag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP woensdag, 16:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP woensdag, 19:01 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP donderdag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP donderdag, 16:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP donderdag, 19:01 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP vrijdag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP vrijdag, 16:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP vrijdag, 19:01 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP zaterdag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP zaterdag, 11:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP zaterdag, 19:31 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP zondag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:...
POP zondag, 11:30 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP zondag, 19:31 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:
POP maandag, 00:24 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys:



TV Kanaal


United Kingdom

Pop is a free-to-air children's television channel. Its target audience is 8 to 10-year-old children.